Indulgences of the Secular Franciscan Order
Prot. 4/72
Holy Father,
The Interobediental General Council of the Secular Third Order of Saint Francis of Assisi[3] humbly asks for a revision of the indulgences given by the Holy See to the members of the Secular Third Order, in accordance with the norms of the Apostolic Constitution «Indulgentiarum doctrina» of January 1, 1967, n. 14. And God etc.
January 22, 1972
The Sacred Penitentiary, by virtue of the special and explicit faculties given by the Holy Father, benignly concedes a plenary Indulgence to the members mentioned above, provided they make or renew, at least privately, their promise to observe faithfully the Statutes of their association[4], having dutifully fulfilled the usual conditions (confession, communion and prayer to the intention of the Supreme Pontiff):
- on the day of their admission and of their profession, and at the conclusion of an official visitation;
- on the feast-days of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Saint Francis of Assisi; Saint Louis, King;
Saint Elizabeth; Blessed Luchesius; Saint Clare; Saint Margaret of Cortona and all the Saints of the Three Orders of Saint
The present decision will be in force immediately and perpetually, without any time limit.
Anything to the contrary notwithstanding.
In name of his Eminency,
Sessolo, Regent
Venturi, Secretary
- Blessed Luchesius: April 28 Memorial;
- Saint Margaret of Cortona: May 16 Feast;
- Saint Clare: August 11 Feast;
- Saint Louis, King: August 25 Feast;
- Saint Francis of Assisi: October 4 Solemnity;
- Saint Elizabeth: November 17 Feast;
- All the Saints of the Three Orders of Saint Francis: November 29 Feast;
- Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary: December 8 Solemnity
These indulgences, still valid today, were granted to the Secular Franciscan Order in 1972, six years before the [SFO] OFS Rule was approved by Pope Paul VI on June 24, 1978. All footnotes are added by the translator to explain words no longer in common use.
The predecessor of the Presidency of the International Council of the [SFO] OFS. The Secular Franciscan Order.
In other words: To obtain the plenary indulgence, the members of the [SFO] OFS should renew their Promise of Evangelical Life (Profession of the [SFO] OFS Rule) in addition to confession, communion and prayer to the intention of the Pope.
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